Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Twelfth Night -- Links

Welcome to our Freshman Survey Twelfth Night blogspot!  Here are some links that we will use frequently in class.

1.)  The first link is the general "Spark Notes" link.  From this main page you can access notes on the play's "context" (Shakespeare and his times), plot overviews, analyses of main characters, notes on the themes, motifs and symbols of the play, and much more!  You can also use the tab at the top of the page to access the "No Fear Shakespeare" text (scroll down to "see all," then click on "Twelfth Night" at the bottom).  Use this sight frequently to help you understand the reading, and to compliment your knowledge of the material:


2.)  This link will take you directly to the "No Fear Shakespeare" text for Twelfth Night.


From this main page, select the scene you wish to read.  The "No Fear Shakespeare" will allow you to view a "modern text" right next to Shakespeare's "original text."  Please do NOT use this as a complete substitute for the original!  Try to read the Shakespearean text first, see if you comprehend it, then "test" your comprehension against the modern text provided.  REMEMBER:  There are MANY ways to translate Shakespeare's text, and the "modern" translation provided is a guide, but is not the ONLY translation possible.

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